10 Feb Bug Sweeps | Eliminate Eavesdropping
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Electronic Bug Sweeps | Tampa
In Tampa, business owners are increasingly aware of the growing threat to their business and personal privacy. As a result, counter surveillance to uncover wiretaps and other illegal eavesdropping devices is becoming more mainstream. Top Gun Investigations has conducted covert bug sweeps in hundreds of offices, homes and vehicles. Our experienced investigators are electronic bug detection specialists and stand ready to assist in devising a strategy to protect your business and personal interests. If you have any concerns about whether you or your business is being secretly monitored, consider calling Top Gun Investigations.
Electronic Countermeasures
Conducting bug sweeps can be an extremely complex process that requires training, experience and highly specialized equipment costing many thousands of dollars. Don’t place your trust in an investigator who shows up with a $500 bug detector from Radio Shack. Our licensed investigators include former federal operatives with more than 35 years of highly technical experience conducting electronic bug sweeps. We have the knowledge, experience and equipment necessary to get the job done properly and professionally. Some of our standard equipment includes:
- RF Probe
- Broadband Microwave Probe
- Magnetic Leakage Probe
- Infra-Red Probe
- 10MHz-3GHz RF Sniffer Probe
- Acoustic Leakage Probe
- GPS Detector Probe
Currently, a hidden audio bug or video camera can be extremely tiny and easily placed. Each bug sweep takes a comprehensive and effective approach by a team of investigators to locate and identify a hidden bug. No two look the same and many are intended to look like normal household items with its own unique function and design. Some small battery powered audio bugs smaller than a matchbook can actually record days and weeks of your most private business and personal conversations.
Tampa Private Investigators
Top Gun Investigations in Tampa has the advanced training, field work, experience performing bug sweeps and equipment to provide you with the answers you need, and the peace of mind you deserve. Call 813-902-0420 for a free, confidential case evaluation or visit TopGunInvestigations.com for more information. Because, what you don’t know…CAN hurt you!
Call today to schedule your Free Consultation at
Discreet, Confidential, and Affordable!
Electronic Bug Sweeps Orlando