Do you have a “gut feeling” that your spouse, partner, fiancé or “special someone” is CHEATING in Tampa? How do you know? What are the signs? Maybe they’re suddenly losing weight, going to a gym, have new hair style or new clothes, a new “friend”, or working late hours? You may notice him or her quickly turning off the computer or ending a cell phone conversation when you approach.

Sometimes, it might be behavior that just doesn’t add up like not being where they were expected to be or missing time that they can’t explain. There may be money that is not accounted for, receipts for things you don’t have, missing clothing or clothing that does not belong to your family. Being caught in little lies about the details of the day really adds up fast.


If you find yourself looking for excuses for their behavior or trying to convince yourself that they would never cheat on you then that is a huge warning sign. No one knows them better than you and your intuition is frequently one of the best indicators that something is wrong. If you suspect Cheating, you are usually right a very high percentage of the time. Ask for honesty. Be prepared for lies. It is a sad fact that people having affairs become excellent liars, even people who never told a lie before in their lives. Trust your gut instinct…but get cold, hard proof as well. Check out our blog article on infidelity and how to catch a cheating spouse.


What should you do if you think your “happily ever after” has been broken and you are tired of the not knowing, the unexplained absences, the sleepless nights and tremendous anxiety? You should consider contacting a licensed Private Investigator in Tampa with experience in infidelity surveillance investigations. In as little as a few days, a skilled private investigator can provide you with information on their movements that will determine exactly where, and with whom, they have been spending their time.

Because no one knows your spouse or partner better than you, if you suspect cheating…you are usually right. Clearly this is a very difficult time for you because you suspect Marital Infidelity in Tampa. You have already played through all of the numerous scenarios in your mind, revisited the conversations you’ve had and asked yourself every conceivable question. Now, you need concrete proof, one way or the other. If you are tired of the anxiety of simply not knowing, the unexplained absences, and the sleepless nights, we can determine exactly where he or she has been spending their time and who they have been spending it with.


The indicators of Cheating Spouse Infidelity in Tampa are limited only by the imaginations of the cheater as they attempt to cover their tracks. Unfortunately, it’s like telling that first little white lie; you always end up telling bigger and bigger lies as the truth edges closer and closer. Although there are many common “red flags” indicating Marital Infidelity, some of the most common and obvious indicators of a Cheating Spouse or partner include:

  • A Cheater might rarely, or no longer say “I love you”.
  • A Cheater might “forget” to wear a wedding band when going out with friends.
  • A Cheater might become a little too nice or do things for you they never did before (out of guilt).
  • A Cheater might not want to talk about the future, retirement, vacations, etc. anymore.
  • A Cheater doesn’t want to do things together anymore and prefers to go out with friends.
  • A Cheater wants no sexual intimacy…because they’re getting it from someone else.
  • A Cheater changes behavior during sex, want to try new positions or acts that you never did before.
  • A Cheater might say “we’re just friends” regarding a new friend s/he is spending a lot of time with.
  • A Cheater might say something like “I just need some time to sort out my feelings”.
  • A Cheater might hide the phone bill which means there is something they don’t want you to see.
  • A Cheater often develops a sudden need for privacy.
  • A Cheater might be evasive or nervous when on the computer and change the screen when you walk in.
  • A Cheater might remain online long after you’ve gone to bed.
  • A Cheater might change their work schedule – late meetings or starting earlier.
  • A Cheater might begin taking suspicious business trips they never did before.
  • A Cheater might get mysterious phone calls and leave the room to talk.
  • A Cheater might purchase a second cell phone.
  • A Cheater might suddenly take great interest in their looks, join a gym or lose weight.
  • A Cheater might start different grooming habits, color their hair or buy new clothes.
  • A Cheater might delete all texts and call records from their cell phone.



Top Gun Investigations is an experienced, licensed Private Investigator in Tampa and will answer all of your questions. Our team of investigators includes several former federal agents with a wide range of national and international experience and a full time, in-house practicing attorney who ensures we follow all local, state and federal laws and regulations law to the letter.

Contacting an experienced private investigator in Tampa will provide you information that may be painful and heartbreaking, or prove that your spouse, partner, fiancé, or significant other is faithful and trustworthy. Either way, you will have the answers and peace of mind you deserve so you can move forward with your life.

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Owned by the only dual licensed professional investigator and attorney in Florida.

Top Gun investigators are well versed in the variety of legal issues that may arise in any case and can provide experienced, expert testimony in court.

Top Gun provides a wide range of confidential investigative services for corporations, law firms and individuals in complex, highly sensitive matters with an intimate knowledge of the legal system.

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All Top Gun investigators are well versed in the variety of legal issues that may arise in any case and can provide experienced, expert testimony when required. Top Gun provides a wide range of investigative services in complex, highly sensitive matters with an intimate knowledge of the law and legal system.

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